So, not many people can say, "Today, I walked around Stonehenge. Ya know, those rocks that mysteriously ended up in England from Wales about 5000 years ago?" I mean, the history here is really mind boggling. I took an amazing amount of pictures, but none could really do it justice.
Salisbury was a beautiful, quaint little town that I enjoyed for the most part. The Cathedral was amazing, and I saw the Magna Carta! I wonder how they wrote in such straight, pristine handwriting back then, and I was really disappointed I couldn't take pictures of the heads that stuck out along the walls in the area where they kept the Magna Carta.

While walking through the town, I even got a marraige proposal from a guy representing an organization called "Action for Children" which I was pretty flattered by :)
But, I'm not going to lie, the most memorable part of the day was my credit card troubles. I went into Boots when we had some free time in Salisbury because I needed a razor to replace the one I left at the first hotel I stayed at and neosporin for the scratches and blisters on my feet. Well, I thought 15 minutes would be plenty of time. I went up to the register to check out, gave them my credit card, and the lady said she had to do a security check on the card, and disappeared for 10 minutes! I told the other lady I was in a hurry and I could pay with cash or just not buy the products, I just needed to go; they took forever, and then told me I had to come and talk to my bank. I got really frustrated, and though I should've just gone back then, I said, "Look, I'm going to miss my bus, I don't need these things, I just want my card back. I don't give a shit, just please give me my card back!" (Not shouting, mind you, just worried, a bit smart ass, I admit). Well apparently, they went back and told my bank that I was cursing and refused to prove my identity! Despite the fact that I had shown them my ID and everything in my wallet that had my name on it! The lady told me they could not give me my card back unless I talked to the bank, so I followed her to the back room and had to wait to be connected. When the man answered, he asked who I was, and I told him, in tears, and said I was going to miss my bus and get in trouble or worse, left behind, and that I had to leave immediately. They even had my mother on the other line!! I was so upset, I just took my card when the lady gave it back to me, and I felt bad for giving her a hard time but incredibly frustrated with the bank (Why the hell would they check then? Why then?!!). I'm just waiting for the angry phone call from mummy dearest. I ran all the way back to the bus, which did not agree with my stomach or feet, but I made it just fine, and everyone was very concerned as to why I was so upset... Well, it was very frustrating, to say the least.
I'm beginning to feel a little overwhelmed... I've forgotten a lot of things at home, and they're a bit expensive here. I wish a brought my pumas, I should've gotten more than one adapter to charge all my electronics, I left my razor at the hotel, I forgot any first aid supplies, nail clippers, nail polish remover, laundry detergent, dryer sheets... And the food here is so expensive! I'm going to lose weight here for sure, not just because of all the walking, but because I can't afford to overeat!
But really, I'm trying to learn from all this, to embrace the experience. I like to imagine I'm a vagabond of sorts, toughing it out on as little as possible (which is quite humorous since I'm a very lucky, intelligent, healthy young girl with everything in the world to be thankful for). But it certainly makes it more fun ;)