Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Flying Baby Demon Mermaids With DDs and the Tale of Sir Verde

Today was quite rainy, but I'm glad it was a more laid back excursion rather than one of our long days. We took a train our to Hampton Court Palace and toured all over the building, from the rooms to the gardens and even the kitchens. I thought the kitchens were the most impressive, and I've determined I don't think I would've liked even being a king back in the 1500s. Henry VIII ate so much meat he likely had scurvy because the more meat you ate, the more money it signified to the rest of the world that you had to spend on that meat. It was like 70% of his diet. And the amount of dishes? Man, I complain about dishes at my house, its a good thing there are only five of us and not an entire palace of plates. I really like how they had everything set up as it might have been in their times, and how even the cafe was in one of the old kitchen areas.
Today's photography focus was to tell a digital story, so I used my mascot as an easy way to tell a silly little story I made up. There were some weird paintings and sculptures, like the one I used in my story, that were oddly sexual. I mean, for example, what the hell is this supposed to be?
Little demon baby mermaids?! With huge knockers?! What kind of drugs were the artists in this era doing exactly??? And are they spitting something at each other?! I was obviously a little disturbed by this one, and it wasn't like a little fixture somewhere, it was on the ceiling!
Anyways, I must reveal to you my story.
Sir Verde, the snake of Bloomsbury Borough (all you librarians out there should know the children's book I'm referencing with the snake's name, it was one of my little brother's favorites) was in love with a the fair Elizabeth of Hampton Court, who was found upon the breast of another... Woman!
(If you can't see it, there's a small snake more or less biting this woman's breast. Why? Um... ?)Sir Verde found evidence of his lovers infidelity on the internet, and was devastated. Sir Verde was a noble snake, but crumbled when his one true love was lost, seeking comfort in his refrigerator... to drown away his sorrows...
Poor, dear old Sir Verde passed out, depressed and left alone in a drunken stupor. Fear not, for tomorrow shall bring sweet reptilian maids to his side, and this night of sorrow shall become a distant memory.

Hope this rain clears up soon, two days til Paris!


  1. I, too, love the Sir Verde story. When I was in Italy, I read historic novels that were set in the areas that I was visiting. I'd read about some cathedral or building in the 1400s and then see it the next day. As you discuss the kitchens and such, I remember all of the books I've enjoyed about King Henry 8 and many of the kings, queens of that era. I'd love to see the castles and homes. I hope you took lots of pictures because I've visited in my mind thanks to books, but I've never actually been there. Alas, I've read nothing about Paris. It'll probably be pretty cool too. I would guess that more people speak English than you may think and they'll probably speak it with that wonderful French accent.
