Today was alright, though I was tired. Lots of walking, but it was leisurely so it didn't wake me up much. We flew kites up on Primrose Hill, like Mary Poppins, and walked through Regents Park, which was beautiful. The weather was annoying though, right when you get your jacket on it gets hot, then it gets cold again, then it rains, then it stops. I think the most memorable part of the day was Abbey Road though. I walked across the Zebra Crossing, went shoeless and with a cigarette in hand so I could be like Paul. I took a picture of where the Beatles recorded that album and signed the wall in front. I think my Dad would be proud to hear that :)

Billy Elliot was this evening, and I enjoyed that, though I think we should've seen it before Wicked because that's just not fair competition. I was quite impressed with Billy though, he was an amazingly talented kid. I think I liked the dancing more than anything.
I think I just really miss Wales. I know I wasn't there very long, but it was just so much fun and s different from anything I'd ever done before. To go back to walking around a big city with lots of people is kind of disappointing, though, don't get me wrong I'm thrilled to be here. I just think I'm realizing that I'm less of a city girl than I thought. It's all about knowing thyself, is it not? Well, I'm off to bed, cheers!
Um, okay, so I just want to know... why in the *@!#!*!! did you have a cigarette in your hand???? Where did it come from? If you are smoking cigarettes, your credit cards will be cancelled and I mean it!! Check your email for more on this!!!