Like Nate said, some of the graves had little houses (for prayer maybe?) with the family names on it, and it was a bit creepy.

After a very nice lunch of crepe salee, which I am determined to bring back to the states because they're awesome, and gelato, we went to Moulin Rouge and then Montmartre, where we were bombarded with crowds and people trying to sell things. Heather practically got harrassed by one guy trying to sell her a bracelet and all the girls had to protect her! It was intense. The hill is very pretty though, I just wish they're weren't so many people so I could actually distinguish the scene from Amelie.
Afterwards, we headed back to the Hotel to recooperate before Bastille Day! I am excited though not quite ready to come back home. Throughout these posts I've tried to demonstrate some kind of personal growth, something new I've learned everyday or someone new I've connected with. In Paris, its much harder than it was in London to connect with locals. However, I'm feeling much more comfortable with the girls in my group. Yes, I'm much younger than them, and they are protective of me and call me "little bits" sometimes, and they do remind me I am still very young. I'm having a lot of fun with them though; going out the past few nights, we've all just had a great time eating, drinking, and last night there was even a bit of dancing to celebrate Bastille Day. I was glad I didn't go by myself, because at one point when this guy was trying to get me to dance with him, I would push his hands away and he'd just go right back for it, so the girls pulled me back and circled around me, creating a baracade! I've never been baracaded in before, but it was not a bad experience :) So, a big thanks to them for being awesome protectors!
Well, I'm going to run up and down the stairs and maybe burn off a few of those baguettes. How do these French women do it?
Au revoir!
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