Proof I was there :)
So, I've been trying to get things posted up here, but where as most of my group has trouble uploading their pictures, I have trouble uploading anything or even getting to the website. Annoying, to say the least.So, my post from yesterday was all typed up and the internet timed out. I'm not going to lie, I was so frustrated I just closed my computer and went to sleep. So, I was hoping I could post two days worth in one post. Yesterday was our free day, and I slept in quite a bit ;) Afterward, I headed out to see the Arc de Triomphe. I wanted to meet some of the girls to go eat so I didn't have enough time to climb to the top, but I did walk all around and meet some people from London. The view around the Arc is just about as impressive as the Arc itself. I found the way there, navigated the metro and figured out where I should be going, and I was quite proud of myself. One of the things I'm learning about myself is that I'm actually quite independent. I like going places and figuring things out. Its a big self confidence boost :) Later that evening Alexis and I went to a bar nearby and had a wonderful time meeting people, two of which were members of the foreign legion training for the parade on Bastille Day. They told us all about the fireworks and I'm really excited about it!
Today was also a really cool day. I was tired, didn't feel cute (I'm a young girl from the States surrounded by fancy French dames and their Gucci bags, its understandable), and did not want to wait in the god awful lines that lay before us. They were horrendous actually; we placed bets on how long it would take, and the line to get tickets was an hour and a half, then there was the line to actually get in the Castle, and that was about an hour I think, and then there was another line for the audio guides. And you can add a few more lines to the menu because if you had to go to the bathroom? 15 minute line at least. Hungry, thirsty? I wanted water and it took 45 minutes of waiting in line just for some god-forsaken liquid.
So basically, I was in a bad mood. I walked all through the Castle and saw all the rooms, but there were so many people I almost felt claustrophobic and I don't think I've ever held on to my purse with quite the death grip I had today. My favorite room was the Battle Room, or Room of the Battles or whatever. It was a large hall with huge paintings of Battles hanging on the walls, and they have added photographs and displays of more recent battles, like WWII, the Vietnam War, and even the Abu Ghraib photos. Then, I headed out to the Gardens...
I wasn't sure if I wanted to spend the 8 euros to tour the gardens, I didn't realize I'd have to pay extra for that. Basically, if you ever go to Versailles and you see long lines for the castle, screw it. Just go to the Gardens. They were absolutely breathtaking. I just wandered around to all of the fountains, saw the Grand Canal and watched people boat and ride their bikes around. The scenery completely changed my mood. I was no longer in a rush to get home, though I was a bit disappointed I didn't have time to go to Marie Antoinette's Estate. Though I saved 10 euros not going and it leaves me with a reason to come back! It was just such a beautiful place, somewhere you'd like to take a loved one and have a picnic, or take kids and let them run around. I loved the way the paths were arranged in the Orangerie, it was beautiful!

I'm actually starting to get the hang of the metro here, its not very different than in London, I just wish I could speak French!
Tomorrow will be very entertaining, I'm off to a winery with the ladies and Nate :)
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